Registration $210 ($195 if before November 4, 2024 at 12:01 AM)

Your home congregation will be invoiced for the registration fee. Please work with your congregational leaders to arrange for camp payment. 

I will attend Fall Fandango 2024*

  • Camper


  • Adult Sponsor

    Adult Sponsor

  • Young Adult Group

    Young Adult Group

Very Important Medical Information

Please understand that ALL medications (even over-the-counter medications) must be given by Regional Staff while at camp. 

The following medications may be dispensed by adult sponsors of Fall Fandango if needed:

Camper Profile

To aid our staff in caring for your child during these overnight, away-from-home events, please complete this “CAMPER PROFILE.” Also, please commit to praying for both the spiritual growth and physical safety of all of the children attending this GRR youth event.

Please review the list below and indicate any areas which cause you concern for your child. Please elaborate on such concern.

Terms, Conditions, and Waivers

I give the adult leader(s) for this event permission to order any necessary medical procedures for the youth participant.
I understand that Event insurance (paid by GRR) is secondary coverage only. Primary responsibility for medical treatment belongs to me and to my health insurance provider. I agree not too hold liable for any uninsured medical expenses the Great River Region, its employees and agents.
I do hereby give permission for my child to participate in the above referenced event, including other locations connected with the event and transportation to/from those locations.
I furthermore agree to immediately pick up my child from the event should my child be found to possess alcohol, controlled substances or tobacco; verbally, physically or sexually assault another; engage in illegal activity; or blatantly disregard other event guidelines or instructions from event leaders; or is running a temperature above 100.4 degrees and/or shows signs of having a contagious infection. I am in full agreement with the intent of this event, i.e., to assist my child in developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and growing into the person God has called my child to become.
“As a youth participant, I agree to follow all rules and instructions set forward by the adult leadership of this event. I agree to follow all instructions and guidelines given to me by my virtual sponsor. I agree to have a good attitude throughout this event and to behave in a manner consistent with my Christian faith. I understand that if I break event rules, I can be removed from the event.


Early Bird Registration is $195.00

November 4, 2024, at 12:01 AM, the Registration fee will increase to $210.00

Please arrange to pay the registration fee or request a scholarship with your local congregation. 

All congregations will be invoiced for the registration fees. 

You may be invoiced for the registration fee if a congregation does remit payment.


RegFox Event Registration Software