The 2009 General Assembly of the Christian Church (DOC) approved the document, Theological Foundation and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This document requires regions to oversee an annual process through which the standing of ordained and commissioned ministers may be reviewed and renewed.

This process requires that the ministers provide certain information to the Regional Committee on Ministry (RCOM). This form is intended to facilitate that process.  

Note: Face-to-face meetings with the Regional Committee on Ministry are held every three years for commissioned  ministers. (These are not generally required for ordained clergy, although either party may ask for such a meeting if it is desired.)  

2025 GRR Clergy Standing Forms must be completed by January 31, 2025.  

Letters of Standing with Standing Cards for 2025 will be mailed out by February 21, 2025.


If you do not have an email, please put [email protected].

I am currently (select all that apply):

You may not perform weddings or funerals and may not provide pulpit supply. You are not required to have any trainings to maintain standing.

You may still perform weddings and funerals and provide pulpit supply. You are required to complete Healthy Boundary and Anti-racism/Pro-reconciliation training once every 5 years.

For Clergy NOT serving in a congregation, what type of ministry are you engaged in?


Please provide the Great River Regional Office with information for contacting someone other than the senior minister. A secretary or board chair with good contact information can help us get information out with regard to DW, DM, Youth, and opportunities for lay leadership offerings. 


Have you received training in any of the following areas in the past five years? (If your last training was in 2019 or before, please understand that you will need to take this training during 2025 to maintain standing.) 

Healthy Boundaries / Ministerial Ethics Training

Pro Reconcilation / Anti Racism Training

Have you ever resigned your employment from a congregation, been asked to resign from official action as a clergyperson, had your ministerial or secular employment terminated (whether paid or volunteer), or had legal or ecclesiastical action taken against you in whole or in part on the allegations of any of the following?


Please put N/A if you are Retired/Inactive.

Describe ways in which you have taken time for:

By submitting this document, I believe that I currently meet the requirements for the continuation of ministerial standing as they are stated in the document, Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),” section II.F.2.b., and I request continuation of ministerial standing for the next year.

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